Rethink weight loss

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Are you someone who has dieted themselves heavier???

If yes, you are certainly not alone....

95% of diets fail long-term due to many reasons but in particular because they are way too restrictive, require way too much motivation and willpower and forget we are all individuals requiring personalised approaches.

If you want to get off the dieting rollercoaster and stop this yo yo dieting by getting back to basics and understanding what your body needs, then let me know...I am here to support you!

Allison Slee is passionate about helping people stop feeling overwhelmed in their weight loss journey.

Come into Vitality Junction on Monday, Thursday or Friday (10am - 2pm) for a no obligation FREE face to face conversation about your opportunity to make awesome changes.

Available for coaching and nutritional consultations.




Initial 1:1 Consultation: Involves an assessment of your current dietary habits, lifestyle, medical history, emotional wellbeing, goals and vision. We will discuss current health issues and concerns and develop a treatment plan tailored to your individual health goals and lifestyle needs.  Please bring any recent pathology tests.


7 fortnightly consultations: 45-60 minutes either face to face (Newcastle) or via Skype, where we will discuss your successes and identify any challenge, along with ongoing health assessments, reviews and possible changes to your initial treatment plan.   `

  • Email and phone support for the duration of the package to keep you on track and accountable.

  • Coaching worksheets and resources to help support you in achieving your health/weight goal.

Call Allison at Vitality Junction 49691102


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