Geraldine Coren


This is my role at Vitality Junction

Group Yoga Classes and Yoga Therapy (tailored one on ones) in the tradition of Krishnamacharya.

My modalities are

Yoga and Yoga Therapy

Why I like my job

Because it seems to make a genuine difference to people’s lives plus I value autonomy/being self-employed and the work is as healing and expanding for me as it is for students. I love that my work keeps me grounded in individual circumstances (the tangible) while tapping into the interconnection of everything (the intangible – prana/life force). The relationships – with self, students, the divine, other healing practitioners – provide a sense of purpose.

What my personal power moves are

Living and breathing what I teach; deep conviction in what I do as gifted by my teachers; ‘Seeing’ the whole person; I believe I communicate well as a teacher despite being deaf?!; punctual and consistent; tapping into my own life experiences and suffering to help others.

My area of specialty is:

My work covers anything and everything; I see people for cancer, weight loss, autoimmune issues, rehabilitation after surgeries, general wellbeing etc but I seem to attract a lot of therapy students around anxiety (including teens) and stress management, musculoskeletal issues especially spine and joint problems, empowering women especially in mid-life, chronic health issues, gut function and energy levels, life goals and creating direction, relationship problems/emotional balance and mentoring Yoga teachers and experienced Yoga practitioners.


My vision is to stay on as Yoga teacher and Yoga Therapist using the studio upstairs at VJ into the foreseeable future with my hybrid of face to face and now with Covid restrictions online teaching.

I don’t plan to take over the world; I just want to do better at what I already do through deepening my own practice and understanding and really improve lives through the teachings and practice of Yoga; but also make it a sustainable model to support a family and build a future.

When family and pandemic allows, more retreats and workshops for immersive experiences. 


Services and fees -

Group Yoga Classes: 4 week term either online subscription or face to face $90 one class per week plus online options; twice weekly attendance $160 (space permitting).

Group classes are 75 minutes; online subscription is for live-streamed classes plus two recordings weekly

Yoga Therapy sessions (includes personalised home practices): initial consultation $110; subsequent sessions $100 for one and a quarter hours plus program.

Concession fees available for financial difficulty.

Facebook: Yoga with Geraldine Coren / Yoga at The Junction
